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Home > Motivation & Thought LeadershipThis Father's Day, Some Words of Wisdom Straight From a Dad's Heart

This Father’s Day, Some Words of Wisdom Straight From a Dad’s Heart

Celebrating Father’s Day on one day is not just enough, it should be acknowledged every day of the year. There is nothing more remarkable than the strong paternal bond that we share with our dads. In honor of this special day, this write-up focuses on some precious words of parental wisdom that can help you become better on all fronts.


If you are going through a difficult phase, keep going!

Whether it was some challenging series of examinations and monthly tests or pushing the envelope to finish that syllabus in time, dads were always the first ones to instill encouragement in the environment, implying that ‘’pain is momentary, victory is forever, you better keep on enduring, mate’’.

These words hold true in real life and we couldn’t agree more. As you venture out on your own in this word to envision and build a successful career, you can keep yourselves high-spirited by eliciting this message. Your zeal for continuous improvement and personal effort become an essential part of your character. Eventually, it shows in your work ethic towards your organisation or in your approach to lead an ideal life.


Keep Yourselves Open to Dreams

Aiming high, starting small, and persevering untill you found your calling are the three mantras of success that every dad imparted to their kids. It comes as no surprise that fathers always inspire their kids to conjure a miracle in the real world by having magnificent dreams that will manifest to become reality.

Dad always said, ‘’there is nothing in this world that you cannot achieve if you have worked for it badly enough’’. It goes without saying that immense hard work and personal commitment are required to stay up to date professionally, to quickly move up the career ladder, to build a reliable support network, and to assimilate knowledge and new skills.

Complacency is the biggest, deceptive foe that not only hinders personal growth but is also harmful for professional development. Working fathers have always abided by the fact that being complacent can negatively impact your job search and personal development and you should never forget this mantra in life.


Work Hard. Fail Harder. Repeat till you succeed!

Life is too short for focusing on things you don’t have, you should better work hard to achieve anything you want in life or career. That’s what our dads have always been telling us for many years, and it is as relevant as it was back then. Now these golden words can work wonders for your professional life if you have imbibed the message and brought your best self to work hard untill you meet your goals.

The vital ingredients to success are – putting painstaking efforts at the work, delivering timely results, and showing consistency in the performance while working alongside dedicated team members. As the popular saying goes you cannot build your dream castle in a jiffy as all good things take time. Having a good and strong work ethics will speak volumes about the strength of your character.

Integrity is the most precious quality

When you were busy growing up, there was a man who was toiling hard and burning the midnight oil to make sure that his family stays happy and free of discomfort at all times. Undeniably, he has been your childhood superhero and you call him dad. All these years, he tried his level best to impart core values and quality education to his children. Dad always knew why integrity should be the focal point of human value system. There are countless instances where years of hard work and reputation had been in vain due to the lack of integrity in personal belief system.

Honesty, integrity and courage are of the essence for self-development in today’s times. Some of the worst traits that can keep a person from realizing his/her true potential are undermining others, over promising, and failing to keep those promises.

That is the long and short of it. Dads have always been an indomitably positive force in every person’s life. They have always taken pride in their kid’s success and left no stones unturned in acting in the best interest of their children. Now the time has come for you to chart your own course and take these golden words from dad’s wisdom into account.

This Father’s Day, express your love and gratitude with not only just a gift but also make him proud! Whether you are transitioning into a new job or starting your career, you should heed this valuable piece of advice.

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