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Home > Leadership & Management SkillsDelegation of Authority in Management: Key Elements, Tips and Importance

Delegation of Authority in Management: Key Elements, Tips and Importance

Let’s draw an analogy before we begin today’s discussion. Picture a situation where a house is run by an authoritative individual doing all the work by himself/herself. Well, the consequences will be less work done, clamour, confusion, and commotion.   

Change the settings and imagine the same person delegating responsibilities amongst the family members. The consequence, my friend would be the two O’s, and they are- Order And Organisation. Well, this brief prologue was just required to set the tone of this blog, where we will see how delegation of authority, responsibilities, and tasks leads to better management and productivity. 

All of us have heard of the division of labour, right? Well, delegation of authority is precisely that, but in management. In simpler words, when a manager breaks down an assignment into smaller tasks and allocates them to different individuals, it is called delegation of authority in management. 

In fact, this is a mandatory skill for a manager. If you are planning to apply for a manager role, make sure you are proficient in delegating tasks, responsibilities, and authority. If not, then read this article to learn the key elements and tips to improve. Scroll down for more information. 

1. What is the meaning of Delegation of Authority?

So, the million-dollar question is what’s the meaning of delegating authority? This concept deals with dividing the tasks among subordinates and team members by a manager. It ensures a smooth work process. Here are some of the concepts and features associated with it. 

1.1. Explanation of the concept

A single individual cannot handle an entire project. Hence, they need to break down the responsibilities into smaller blocks to assign them to different team members. Additionally, giving them the right to complete them autonomously. This is precisely the delegation of authority meaning. However, it needs to be done carefully to ensure efficiency. 

1.2. Key elements of delegation

There are three features of delegation of authority – assigning, granting the right and accountability. Let us explain them for your better understanding. 

Assigning tasks and responsibilities

The first is allotting the task to the required members. However, make sure you are assigning them according to their abilities. 

Granting necessary authority

The next step is to give them the authority to complete the task correctly. With your permission, they can take the necessary individual decisions or steps to finish the job. 

Ensuring accountability

It is the third and last element. Remember, you can divide the responsibility but not accountability. Hence, make sure you monitor progress regularly. After all, you will be held accountable if something goes wrong.

1.3. Difference between delegation and abdication

Do not confuse these two concepts. Though both deal with delegation of authority, they differ in accountability. The first concept, as explained above, requires the manager to take responsibility for the team’s performance. 

However, abdication is when you leave the entire job to your subordinates and walk away. Hence, it indicates you are not ready to take liability for the project’s performance. 

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2. Benefits of Effective Delegation

The delegation of authority is integral to ensuring success. Without further delay, let us look at its importance. 

2.1. Improved Efficiency and Productivity

This approach is necessary for ensuring maximum productivity. Everyone gives their best to achieve the immediate goal. 

Allows managers to focus on high-level tasks

As a manager, delegating easily doable tasks to subordinates allows you to focus on high-end matters. For instance, you can take up a critical thinking task that will lead to increased revenue for your organisation. 

Enables faster decision-making and task completion

The project can be completed rapidly since everyone quickly fulfilled their responsibilities. Hence, collectively, it enables faster task completion. 

2.2. Employee Empowerment and Development

Another significant importance of delegation of authority is it trains your team members for versatility. Additionally, they also gain confidence in their abilities. 

Provides opportunities for growth and skill enhancement

You gradually assign more critical tasks to your subordinates. This will eventually enhance their strengths and improve their weaknesses. 

Boosts employee morale and job satisfaction

Once they complete the job assigned successfully, it will automatically boost their confidence. Additionally, they will be motivated to take up more complex tasks. 

2.3. Better Time Management

The most vital importance of delegation is meeting the deadlines beforehand. This gives more chances for organisational planning. 

Frees up managers’ time for strategic planning

Suppose the project is completed before the deadline. You, as a manager, get time to plan your future strategies. It helps the organisation as a whole. 

Reduces bottlenecks and delays in workflows

When you assign jobs, everyone meets their deadline; hence, collectively, it avoids unnecessary delays. Additionally, no one is stressed out by being overworked.

2.4. Enhanced Organisational Flexibility

When there are multiple projects with several instructions, abiding by all of them becomes challenging for a single person. Additionally, when various brains work, there is diversity in decision-making. 

Facilitates adaptation to changes and challenges

When multiple people are handling the same project, overcoming the obstacles becomes easier. Additionally, adapting to new trends and practices becomes more smooth and feasible. 

Promotes a decentralised decision-making structure

This kind of decision-making framework eliminates unnecessary delays, increases productivity, and fosters faster feedback. Additionally, you can brainstorm more ideas. 

3: Barriers to Effective Delegation

You might sometimes find yourself struggling with a few obstacles in the delegation of authority. However, prior knowledge might help in dealing with it better. Let us look at some of the barriers you might face. 

3.1. Lack of Trust

Sometimes, you may feel delegating tasks can overshadow your importance. Hence, you might develop a sense of bossing over them to assert your dominance. 

Managers’ reluctance to relinquish control

No one wants to give up power and dignity. Hence, ignoring the more significant advantage, you might not want to relinquish control. 

Fear of losing authority or being overshadowed

Sometimes, you may feel insecure that someone might snatch the limelight without their performance. Hence, you might fear the loss of authority. 

3.2. Micromanagement

Supervising is different from hawk eyeing. The latter can hinder the performance in place of enhancing it. Additionally, it can discourage your team members. 

Overly involved managers hindering employee autonomy

You might catch yourself becoming too much interfering with their jobs. This can happen while working on essential and high-end projects. However, this becomes suffocating as the members do not get their space to grow. 

Negative impact on employee motivation and confidence

Micromanagement can compel subordinates to doubt their skills. Eventually, it will leave them demotivated and annoyed. 

3.3. Inadequate Communication

If communication is one of your weaknesses, then make sure you are improving it before stepping on to your managerial role. Otherwise, you can hamper the company’s operations. 

Failure to clearly define expectations and guidelines

A lack of communication will affect the explanation of projects. You might not be able to communicate the expectations and rules effectively to your team members. 

Misunderstandings leading to poor performance or errors

Inefficient communication is the source of misunderstandings. This will ultimately hamper the performance, and you will be held accountable. 

3.4. Skill and Knowledge Gaps

At times, you might realise you do not know the strengths and weaknesses of your team members in detail. Additionally, you will come across situations where your team members are not trained well for the delegated jobs. 

Delegating tasks to employees lacking the necessary competencies

Due to a lack of knowledge, you might assign such a task to a member who is not competent enough for the function. This can harm the whole team and the project. 

Insufficient training or support for delegated responsibilities

At times, you will realise that your subordinates are not trained in versatility. Additionally, they do not have enough support to complete the assigned job. 

4. Strategies for Successful Delegation

The job of delegation of authority might seem relatively easy. However, it is not, mainly when the organisation’s reputation depends on that. If you desire to enhance your delegation skills, scroll down to learn the different strategies. 

4.1. Selecting the Right Tasks and People

If there is a mismatch between the tasks and members, then you are in a real mess. Choosing the appropriate member according to the task is paramount. 

Identifying tasks suitable for delegation

You cannot assign all the responsibilities to your team. You have to take up some duties as well. Hence, first, know what your team is capable of and then select the tasks that they can complete successfully.  

Matching employee skills and interests with delegated responsibilities

Know your team members and their strengths and weaknesses well beforehand. This will enable you to select the right candidate for the task. 

4.2.Providing Clear Instructions and Expectations

All instructions must be communicated clearly. If necessary, give them the context of the project. This will help them understand what is expected from them. 

Defining desired outcomes, deadlines, and performance standards

Your duty as a delegator does not end with just assigning them the task. Instead, delegation of authority is linked to giving them proper details like – deadlines, the productivity standard expected, etc. 

Ensuring employees understand their roles and authority levels

The delegation of authority also involves repeatedly assuring that the members acknowledge their duties. Additionally, you must also ensure they have a proper understanding of their authority levels. 

4.3. Offering Adequate Support and Resources

A lack of resources can never offer smooth project completion. Hence, ensure enough resources are available to them. Additionally, continuous support is also paramount. 

Providing necessary training, tools, and information

Before the delegation of authority, make sure your team is adequately trained for the tasks. Additionally, ensure that there are enough tools and information for smooth operations. 

Being available for guidance and feedback

As a manager, always be approachable to your team members. They must be able to avail of your guidance wherever required. Additionally, you must provide constructive feedback for betterment. 

4.4. Establishing Trust and Accountability

Avoid looking down upon your subordinates or doubting their skills. Rather, provide proper reviews for them to improve. 

Demonstrating confidence in employees’ abilities

If you do not ensure that you trust their abilities, then it might discourage them. Hence, make sure you exhibit confidence in their skills. 

Implementing regular check-ins and progress reviews

The best way to help them improve is by checking on their progress at regular intervals. Moreover, popper feedback wherever necessary. 

4.5. Recognising and Rewarding Performance

Acknowledge their achievements and reward them accordingly. This helps them to remain motivated and driven. 

Acknowledging employees’ efforts and achievements

Make sure you are recognising the efforts and the favourable performance of your team members. Also, you need to reward them from time to time to encourage them.  

Providing constructive feedback for continuous improvement

Do not forget to give fruitful reviews. They should not feel they have perfected their job role. Hence, show them their areas for improvement. 

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5. Delegation in Different Management Contexts

Never generalise delegation of authority, i.e. different management sections have different approaches. Let us quickly look at how to handle it in different contexts. 

5.1. Delegation in Project Management

This is the most common context. Let us see how you should conduct the process of assigning tasks as a project manager. 

Assigning project roles and responsibilities

Break down the roles and responsibilities into manageable sections. Divide them accordingly amongst your team members.

Ensuring effective communication and coordination

Make sure there is proper communication between team members and you. Moreover, you must maintain proper coordination for better monitoring. 

5.2. Delegation in Remote Work Environments

Working with virtual team members is different. Check out how to delegate responsibility with the help of technology. 

Challenges and considerations for delegating in virtual teams

Physically coordinating and tracking progress is not possible. Hence, you need to follow up with them continuously. Consider arranging for meetings at frequent intervals for better monitoring. 

Utilising technology for effective delegation and monitoring

You can use various planning softwares or professional platform tools. These help to streamline your delegation and tracking process. 

5.3. Delegation in Cross-Functional Teams

When multiple teams are working together for the same goal, you need to change your delegation of authority technique. 

Fostering collaboration and shared accountability

Cross-functions initiate collaboration. Hence, the accountability cannot be taken by a single manager. Instead, each departmental manager should take responsibility for their team’s performance.

Navigating complex reporting structures and authority levels

Plan your reporting structure. Ensure that there is no struggle over authority in the future. A delegation of authority example – Every team member reports to their manager. And then, the managers hold a weekly meeting to comprehend the progress. 


The delegation of authority isn’t easy as it is something that has to be performed with huge responsibility. Hence, you need to hone your delegation skills as that’s the key to increased productivity. The information mentioned above will help you to perform this duty effectively. 

FAQs on Delegation of Authority Meaning

Q1. How do you explain delegation of authority?

A1. This is a major management skill. Here, you must be able to effectively assign responsibilities to your team members according to their abilities. This also includes giving them the authority to carry out duty on their own but under supervision. 

Q2. How do you efficiently carry out this responsibility?

A2. There are several strategies for proper delegation. For instance, properly communicating, knowing the abilities and inabilities of team members well, etc. Also, providing proper training and resources to encourage and acknowledge their efforts can be included.

Q3. How do we overcome the associated obstacles?

A3. Firstly, learn about your team members’ strengths and weaknesses properly. Secondly, trust your subordinates’ abilities. If you think they need to be more competent, provide them with feedback, reviews and training. Lastly, refrain from intervening in their operation unnecessarily. If you want immediate reporting, then arrange more frequent meetings. However, avoid curbing their space to grow. 

Q4. Does delegation of authority differ with work environments?

A4. The basic concept remains the same. However, the techniques involved might need to be tailored according to the context. 

Q5. What are the common barriers involved in this delegation?

A5. There are several obstacles you might face. For instance, not being confident in the abilities of your employees, hence inclining towards micromanagement. Negligence about the strengths and weaknesses of your team members. Lastly, lack of proper communication is included among the major barriers faced by delegators. 

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