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Top 47 Active Directory Interview Questions and Answers

Active Directory Interview Questions and Answers

The Active Directory is a directory that is crucial software. Almost anybody, whether an enterprise, a corporation, students, or any other group of people, uses this database. It keeps track of things like user data, computer data, and other network data. The truth is that all you need to do to get the job is to pass the interview. You might also wish to rehearse the commonly asked Active Directory interview questions to help you pass the interview. In this write up we will brush up on our knowledge about a few basic active directory interview questions, the domains in active directory, and most importantly, active directory authentication.

Active directory interview questions and answers

1. What is the Recycle Bin in Active Directory?

This is a basic active directory interview question. You could answer it by saying; It aids in the recovery of unintentionally deleted Active Directory objects without the need for a backed-up AD database.

2. What is the name of the directory service’s default protocol?

LDAP is a non-payment protocol used in directory services.

3. What is Native Mode, and how does it work?

In this mode, organizations may use new Active Directory capabilities like Universal groups.

4. Do we leverage Active Directory clustering? How?

This is a common active directory interview question. Active Directory is never installed in a cluster. A domain controller does not need to be clustered. With two or maybe more servers, Active Directory offers comprehensive redundancy.

5. What exactly is a site? What are their functions?

One or maybe more TCP/IP subnets that are well-connected (i.e., extremely dependable and fast). To make use of the physical network, administrators can establish Active Directory accessibility and replication topologies through a site. In Active Directory, a Site item involves a specific geographic place where networks are hosted. Subnets are items found on sites.

6. In Active Directory, what are the domains?

This active directory interview question is related to the domains in the active directory. In Windows 2000, a domain is a collection of items that are relevant to a certain set of participants in the network that establishes both an operational and a security boundary. Administration privileges do not extend to certain other domains; therefore, a domain is an administrative border.

7. What precisely is Infrastructure Master?

The Infrastructure Master is used to keep track of phantoms or pointers to entities in other domains. The Infrastructure Master is in charge of updating stale references between items in one domain and objects in many other domains. When the things they refer to are altered or relocated in the item’s domain, the Infrastructure Master FSMO role owner is maintained to show the phantoms up to date.

8. What is the function of replication in AD?

The goal of replication is to disperse the directory’s data around the company for improved availability, efficiency, and data security.

9. What exactly is RODC? Why do we set up RODC?

While answering this active directory interview question, make sure to keep your answer short and precise. The Windows Server 2008 Operating System has a feature called a read-only domain controller. RODC is a read-only replica of the Active Directory information that may be used at a branch office when physical security is a concern. The branch office benefits from enhanced security and faster log-on times thanks to RODC.

10. What is Kerberos?

Kerberos is a network-based authentication mechanism. It uses hidden cryptography to provide robust authentication for database applications.

11. What does stale mean?

Stale refers to references to items that have been relocated or renamed, resulting in an out-of-date local database of the remote entity’s name.

12. How do you determine the current functioning levels of the forest and domain? Both the graphical user interface and the command line are mentioned.

This active directory interview question is related to the domains in the active directory. Open ADUC, right-click upon that domain name and choose properties to see the forest and domain core functions in GUI mode. There will be a list of both domain and forest functional levels. The ds query command may be used to determine the forest and domain key functions.

13. What Benefits Do Active Directory Sites provide?

You may define site information using Active Directory Sites and Services. This information is used by Active Directory to identify how to utilize available network resources effectively.

14. What is the Garbage Collection Process for Ads Databases?

Garbage collection is a procedure for freeing up space in the Active Directory database. With a default lifespan period of 12 hours, this procedure runs independently on each DC.

15. In Active Directory, what is domain information?

A domain’s component information. Replicates to all domain controllers. The object component is included in GC. Only the domain’s attribute values are replicated.

16. What is a Schema Master Failure?

Only if we try to alter the schema or download an application that modifies the schema throughout installation will we see a slight reduction of the schema activities master. A DC that has had its schema master status revoked should never be brought back up.

17. What precisely is a subnet?

A subnetwork is a portion of the network’s computers and communication campaign that has a widely chosen IP address routing prefix in networked computers related to digital Protocol Suite.

18. What is Sysvol, and how does it work?

The server’s version of the domain’s public files is kept in the SysVOL folder. The contents of the sysvol directories, such as users, group policies, etc., are duplicated to all network devices in the domain.

19. What Is Ldap and How Does It Work?

This is one of the most asked active directory interview questions. The active directory method used to request and update AD is LDAP. To connect AD objects, LDAP naming pathways are utilized, which include: Relative Distinguished Names as well as Distinguished Names.

20. What are Lingering Objects?

If a domain controller does not copy for a period that is longer than just the tombstone lifetime, lingering objects may persist.

21. What Is a Domain Controller and How Does It Work?

The domain controller in an Active Directory is a system that hosts a written copy of the Active Directory Database, engages in Active Directory replication, and manages overall network access.

22. Mention What Does a Tombstone Lifetime Entail?

In Active Directory, tombstone lifetime defines how long an erased object is kept in Active Directory.

23. Why do we require Netlogon?

Provides a secure channel for identity verification and services between this machine and the domain controller. The machine may be unable to authenticate methods and services, and the domain controller may be unable to register DNS entries if this service is disabled.

24. What is Active Directory Schema, and how does it work?

The schema component of Active Directory specifies all of the characteristics and objects that the directory service helps to store data.

25. What is the Definition of a Child DC?

A child domain controller (CDC) is a subdomain controller that shares namespace with the root domain controller.

26. What is RID Master?

RID master refers to Relative Identifier, which is used to assign unique IDs to AD objects.

27. What Is Infrastructure Master?

The Infrastructure Master is in charge of keeping the user, group, as well as global catalog data up to date.

28. Is it possible to connect Active Directory to certain other directory services?

Yes, Active Directory may be connected to other third-party directory services.

29. What is the Kerberos V5 Authentication?

Kerberos V5 is the most common security mechanism for domain verification. Both the user’s identification and network services are verified via the Kerberos V5 protocol. Mutual authentication is the term for this double verification.

30. What is Replmon and how does it work?

When debugging Active Directory replication difficulties, the first tool you should be using is Replmon.

31. What is Active Directory Online Defragmentation?

The trash collection procedure includes an online defragmentation mechanism.

32. What is KCC?

The replication topology for replication within both sites is generated and maintained by the KCC. It runs every quarter of an hour.

33. How will you know whether the AD placement is correct using the Srv Resource Record?

SRV Resource Records should be double-checked: When the DC resumes after AD is deployed, it will register SRV entries in DNS.

34. What exactly do you mean when you say “Active Directory”?

The phrase “active directory” refers to an index structure or MetaData that is used to store records about domains and networking in Microsoft Windows-based servers and PCs.

35. What exactly is a domain?

For a community of participants, a domain is a collection of network resources.

36. What do Universal Groups entail?

Only indigenous Windows Server 2003 environments support universal groups.

37. What precisely is ARP?

Address Resolution Protocol is an acronym for ARP.

38. What is APIPA?

It is Automatic Private IP Addressing.

39. What is the objective of Active Directory replication?

The primary goal of replication is to distribute the data contained in the index across the business for improved availability, performance, and data security.

40. What does SID stand for?

SID is the abbreviation for Security Identifier.

41. What is Active Directory?

An active directory is a directory structure that is used on Microsoft Windows based servers and computers for storing data and information about networks and domains.

42. Explain Forest.

‘Forest’ is used to describe a combination of AD domains that share a single plan for the AD. All the DCs in the forest share this plan and it is duplicated in an ordered fashion among them. The ideal model for Windows 2000 AD is to have an organisation use a single forest that covers an entire enterprise. They are not an administrative block by themselves. However, forests are a major boundary. Only limited interaction is available between forests. It is difficult for the user in one forest to access a resource in another forest.

It is not easy to integrate forests currently because of potential problems resolving schema differences between two forests.

43. Explain Domains in Active Directory.

In Windows 2000 a domain describes a security and an administrative boundary for a collection of objects that are applicable to a group of users on a network. A domain is a managerial boundary because administrative privileges do not reach other domains. It is a security boundary as each domain has a security policy that covers all security accounts within the domain. Active Directory keeps information about objects in one or more domains.

Domains can be arranged into parent-child relationships to form a hierarchy. A parent domain is directly superior to one or more child or subordinate domains. A child domain can also be the parent of one or more child domains.

44. Explain the Empty Root Domain.

The Empty Root Domain is an AD design component that has become increasingly accepted at organisations with dispersed IT authority such as universities. The Empty Root Domain works as a placeholder for the root of Active Directory. It does not contain any resources or users that are not needed to fulfil this role. Only those benefits that have forest-wide or tree scope are limited to the empty root domain administrators. Departmental administrators can work independently to other departments.

45. Explain Mixed Mode.

Mixed Modes allow domain controllers running both Windows 2000 and earlier forms of Windows NT to co-exist in the domain.

46. Explain SYSVOL and Why is it Important?

SYSVOL is a folder that occurs on all domain controllers. It is the source for all the active directory files. It stores all the important features of the Active Directory group policy. The SYSVOL folder duplicates the File Replication Service among domain controllers. Logon policies and scripts are delivered to each domain user via SYSVOL.

47. How Does Active Directory Authentication Works?

When a user logs into the network they are given a username and password. The computer sends these to the KDC. This holds the master list of unique long-term keys for each user. The KDC generates a session key and a ticket granting ticket. This information is sent to the user’s computer. The information is sent through a hashing function that converts the data into the user’s master key. The computer then communicates with the KDC to retrieve the domain’s resources.

Other general questions you may be asked include:

Tell me about yourself – You can answer with an overview of work or employment history.

  • What attracted you to our company? Or Why should we hire you?– This is your chance to show you’ve done your research.
  • Tell me about your strengths – Pinpoint two or three of your best qualities and give concrete examples of these strengths.
  • What are you looking for in your next role – Start with your skills. Talk about how you are looking for a role that will employ and further develop the skill.
  • Do you have any questions for me – It is important to come with a list of prepared interview questions.

It is common for interviewers to give various assessments and written tests during a job interview. While they may vary, in general they are given to assess the skills and knowledge of a job applicant under a deadline in a ‘real-world’ setting. It is important to be ready for both verbal and written questions.


So, there you have it: some of the finest Active Directory interview questions available. With the help of these Active Directory interview questions and answers, hopefully you can clear this round of the interview. Always remember to be confident and precise while answering the questions. These questions were chosen with the help of several experts and specialists.

Looking for Active Directory Jobs in top cities? Click at the links below:

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